When Hiding From The Cops, Don’t Stop To Make A Video

click to enlarge When Hiding From The Cops, Don’t Stop To Make A Video

Markel Davis— also known as “Hothead Capone”— was wanted by the police.


He’d been successfully evading arrest until he managed to be captured in perhaps the most ironic— and extra— way possible.

For a man who was wanted for serious crimes, you’d think he’d know better than to stop and film a music video, but that’s exactly what he was doing when the police caught up to him. Not exactly ideal on the timing front.

Davis is no stranger to being in trouble. He has gang affiliations and a criminal record (first-degree assault and unlawful weapon use). He knew he was wanted, so he managed to get out of St. Louis without getting caught. But then he turned around and came back to shoot a music video.

Talk about a f_ck around and find out kind of learning experience. Police happened to have intel on where he would be, and managed to intercept his Jeep, and unfortunately for everyone; that Jeep was full of armed individuals. The crew tried to make a break for it, even tossing a firearm out behind them— maybe they thought police officers are to guns like dogs are to chicken tenders?— but in the end, they were apprehended. Spike strips and tactical knowledge in action on part of the police led to a quick end of that particular chase, but Davis wasn’t even in the Jeep at that point.

We’ll give you three guesses as to where the police found Davis.

Wow, ok we didn’t see anyone guessing “in a bathtub” right off the bat, but you nailed it. The police did indeed find Davis hiding in a bathtub.

Four arrests were made, and three guns were seized. Legally, that doesn’t bode super well for Davis who is also already facing charges in relation to drug trafficking.

And those weapons that were found on set of the music video?

A violation of his parole, which will also not look super great when he’s in court.

When one is already facing criminal charges, one should consider maybe not continuing to engage in criminal activities if the police are already in pursuit. One should definitely not return to the city in which one is wanted by the authorities to film a music video if one has already successfully skipped town, but whomst amongst us hasn’t made a less than great decision when under stress?

Moral of the story: you might be fast, but the law is faster. Especially if there’s a chance of decent snacks at craft services on set.