I hogged this space quite enough in 2024. Today, as we ring in 2025, the readers get their say.
Well, mostly.
“Please keep doing what you are doing so that the Paco Balderrama misconduct matter doesn’t get swept under the rug as happens so often when it comes to misconduct by local officials,” James C. of Fresno emailed in June.
The sudden fall of Fresno’s police chief proved too large for any rug. That one required a trapdoor.
“The police chief is having an affair … so what?” Bill K. of Fresno wrote. “Is it affecting his work? Is it happening at work? That stuff happens quite a bit. You Sir should be ashamed of yourself.”
No shame in being proven correct.
“Whereas I appreciate the ‘personal opinion’ of your piece, it seems a bit salacious, mean spirited and vindictive,” Suesan O. of Fresno emailed. “Let’s hope the Powers that Be step back and look at the whole picture.”
They did, and swiftly arrived at the same conclusion.
“Considering the fact that the previous chief of police admitted his own affair and became mayor, maybe this will be a stepping stone for Balderrama,” Mary Ann W. wrote. “Only in Fresno!”
That’s (partly) why we love the place.
“Thank you for your article exposing the CEO pay scandal at Valley Children’s Hospital,” Matt K. of Fresno emailed. “Journalism is supposed to be adversarial. Too often, what passes for it these days is a depressing mix of corporate propaganda and PR.”
Thanks. Plain-spoken truths are a house specialty.
“As a former Valley Children’s employee who has since moved away, the scene you set in the Panda Express is perfect,” Christina A. wrote. “I’ve read a few articles on this now, but your piece really hits home for Valley residents and beyond.”
Rather than stop rounding up at Panda Express, I simply stopped going. Problem solved.
“How much do you make an hour? Publish it. Not that hard,” Mark C. of Fresno wrote. “You want to investigate other people’s lives and wages? Well, why not yours?”
Well, because unlike the salary and perks of a nonprofit hospital CEO with billions in cash reserves and hundreds of acres of land slated for development, what I make barely registers.

Fresno State pre-dental students Haylee McFall, right, and Rose Xiong pass out Kids Day postcards with QR codes to passing motorists to donate to the annual Kids Day benefit for Valley Children’s Hospital, near Fresno State on Tuesday, March 7, 2023.
Swayed on Measure E tax
“As a Fresno State alum, I was all set to vote yes because (Measure E) seemed to provide for more academic and less athletic spending — then I read your editorial and will vote no,” Kathleen M. of Fresno wrote.
Happy to sway you.
“Wow! We agree on something,” Mark B. of Fresno texted. “Effective rationale you give for no new taxes. Are you sure you are still a Democrat?”
Haven’t been one since Bill Clinton was up for reelection.
“Thank you for advocating for the people about Friant Dam (being closed since 9/11),” Mike M. of Fresno emailed. “This has been a sore point with me for decades.”
It’s a sore point for a surprising number of people. But does the Bureau of Reclamation care? No.
“Does (Bulldogs guard Zaon Collins) deserve never to play again?” Humberto S. emailed. “No second or third chances in your world? What would be better, he get the death penalty due to the nature of the crime?”
Of course Collins deserves a second chance. But why here?
“I too am misty-eyed after reading your story about Winona,” Michael S. wrote. “You described the indescribable, i.e. the personality of a cat and the loving bond that you both shared. I was particularly moved by how you referred to yourself as Winona’s caretaker, not her owner.”
It seemed a more apt description.
“Enjoyed your piece on the Blackstone trek. When I finish this I am going to do it, too … on Google Earth,” Sid O. wrote. “That way I can enjoy a whiskey along the way.”
There are enough bars on Blackstone to enjoy one every half mile.

A security fence prevents people from walking across Friant Dam near Fresno, California, as photographed January 25, 2024. Millerton Lake is seen on the right.
Cell tower stiff up
“Suggestion for the brick cell tower: one side Yosemite Falls, one side General Sherman tree, the last Fresno water tower. All are vertical formats and showcases what is available (near to) Fresno,” Michael F. wrote.
Terrific idea, Michael. When can you start?
“I am trying very hard to bring federal, state and international resources to Fresno. Not for my benefit but for the benefit of this city,” Jerry D. wrote. “It’s unfortunate that you do not recognize this.”
I only recognize Qatar, with its litany of human rights violations, may not be the best place to go looking for money.
“I voted for (Nick) Richardson because I figured he was the lesser of two evils, had enough of Garry (Bredefeld)!” Chris M. of Fresno texted.
Got bad news for you – about having enough of Garry, that is.
“Thank you for your piece on the county’s drive-through approach to approving the budget,” Clare S. Fresno wrote. “It’s hard to imagine five people less inclined to do the time-consuming homework of examining this important document with an inquisitive eye.”
Helps explain why two of the five are about to get swapped out.
“You probably hear this quite a bit, but your terrific columns are the main reason my husband and I continue to subscribe to the Bee,” Linda P. of Fresno wrote.
Thanks, and let’s hope the bosses read this far.
“Please don’t stop doing what you do,” Stella G. of Dinuba emailed.
Can’t. It’s too late to acquire another skill.

Fresno Bee columnist Marek Warszawski takes notes as he pauses at Shields Avenue on his hike south along Blackstone Avenue Wednesday, May 8, 2024 in Fresno.