I Can Invest in 4% CDs or Pay Off a 2.375% Mortgage. Which Is Smarter?

Ask an Advisor: Should I Pay off My Mortgage or Invest in CDs? I Refinanced My Mortgage at 2.375%, But I Can Get a CD at 4%. I Want to Retire in 7 Years.
Ask an Advisor: Should I Pay off My Mortgage or Invest in CDs? I Refinanced My Mortgage at 2.375%, But I Can Get a CD at 4%. I Want to Retire in 7 Years.

I’ve been debating whether to pay off my mortgage. I’ve refinanced at 2.375% and can get a certificate of deposit (CD) for a year at 4%. I was adding to my mortgage payment by about $1,000 a month to pay it off in seven years instead of 14 years. I want to retire in seven years, and though my Social Security will be around $3,500, and my husband will still be working, I’m not sure if that is wise.


Whether you should pay off a mortgage early or invest more depends on what you’d hope to gain by choosing one over the other. It could be that you simply want to choose the option that leaves you better off financially. But you may want to consider risks, the effect on your budget, and purely nonfinancial factors as well.

Here’s how to think through this decision. (This tool can help match you with potential advisors while you navigate the lead-up to retirement.)

Comparing Your Mortgage Rate to Investment Return

Ask an Advisor: Should I Pay off My Mortgage or Invest in CDs? I Refinanced My Mortgage at 2.375%, But I Can Get a CD at 4%. I Want to Retire in 7 Years.
Ask an Advisor: Should I Pay off My Mortgage or Invest in CDs? I Refinanced My Mortgage at 2.375%, But I Can Get a CD at 4%. I Want to Retire in 7 Years.

Many people like to frame the decision of whether they should pay off their mortgage as a tradeoff between 

the interest rate on their mortgage and the return they could earn if they had invested that money instead.

The idea is that if they can earn a higher rate of return than what they pay in interest, they are better off. As a baseline, that is a logical approach.

But another element of that decision is the risk associated with the investments. For example, suppose the money is instead invested in a stock portfolio. Even in a well-diversified one, there will be fluctuations in that portfolio’s value. That same element of risk isn’t present when you pay down a debt balance with a fixed interest rate. That’s because you know the amount that you save – it’s that fixed interest rate. 

So, the question evolves. You really need to compare the interest rate on your mortgage to the rate of return you can reasonably expect to earn on a portfolio that exposes you to an amount of risk you are comfortable with. Your time horizon matters a great deal in that analysis, and you should consider it. (This tool can help match you with potential advisors while you navigate the lead-up to retirement.) 

In any case, 2.375% is an incredibly low interest rate. It would be easy to make a mathematically supported argument for not paying that balance down any sooner than you have to. If you take the one-year CD at 4%, that’s a fixed rate, so you won’t have the same volatility considerations as you would with a longer-term investment. 

Just be sure to account for the tax implications. That CD interest is taxable. You may also be getting a tax deduction for the interest you’re paying on the mortgage.