Adventure Aquarium names baby blue penguin after Eagles running back Saquon Barkley

Eagles fans filled the streets to celebrate the team’s Super Bowl victory over the Kansas City Chiefs on Feb. 9, and now Birds lovers (and lovers of birds) have another reason to mark that day.

Adventure Aquarium announced Thursday that it had named a blue penguin that was born on Super Bowl Sunday after Eagles running back Saquon Barkley, with whom he shares a birthday. (Sadly, there were no other animals delivered that day at the aquarium to name after Eagles safety Cooper DeJean, who was also born on Feb. 9). 

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Saquon hatched to parents Sheila and Spud, the couple’s fifth chick at the Camden attraction. The 11-day-old floof isn’t on display just yet — he must first learn to eat, fish and swim behind the scenes. At 2 months old, when he’s reached adult size, he’ll be able to join the colony at the Penguin Park and be seen by visitors. 

“The timing of Saquon’s hatch on Super Bowl Sunday, coupled with the Eagles’ big win, made naming this little penguin after Saquon Barkley a no-brainer,” Marc Kind, director of aquarium operations, said in a statement. 

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Baby Saquon getting weighed.

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Saquon squished between parents Sheila (right) and Spud.

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At 11 days old, the chick fits in his caretaker’s hand.

Blue penguins are native to Australia and New Zealand. They’re named after their slate blue feathers and are the smallest species of penguin. 

Last winter, the Adventure Aquarium welcomed three blue penguin chicks: Kiwi, who was also born to Sheila and Spud, Bananas Foster and Lovie.