Rittenhouse Row shops got a big boost in sales during Open Streets

Temporarily closing streets near Rittenhouse Square to cars significantly boosted business at stores in the neighborhood, and planning is under way for more such events in the near future.

Of retailers who were surveyed, 79% reported an increase in sales on the four Sundays in September when several streets were pedestrianized, said Prema Katari Gupta, CEO of the Center City District business association.

Those businesses saw sales jump an average of 68% compared to a typical Sunday, with some reporting nearly threefold increases, Gupta said. 

CCD arranged the Open Streets days along several blocks of Walnut and 18th streets to promote area shops and restaurants. But the event was also a relaxed community event where people could walk around at will, enjoy strolling performers, or lounge in the middle of the street, watching Eagles games on TV screens set up for the day, she said.