Braving winter conditions in Waterloo

WATERLOO, Ill. – As February’s winter weather continues to impact the area, road conditions in Waterloo and Millstadt remain a concern, especially for those who must be out in the elements. 

IDOT has been working to keep roads clear, but with fewer cars out, many residents who can stay home are doing so.

However, not everyone has that option. 

Delivery drivers in Millstadt are braving the roads and freezing temperatures to ensure packages and meals reach residents. 

From medical couriers to food delivery workers, many are navigating longer routes and slower speeds to stay safe. 

Local businesses warn customers of possible delays due to the hazardous conditions. 

Residents are also encouraged to help by clearing driveways and walkways to make drop-offs safer for those making deliveries.

Medical courier Justin Peters said preparation is key when driving in rural areas during winter storms.

“I do have a kit, (and) I have a shovel (and) scrapers. I do carry extra food and drinks too. I do try to stay prepared because I am out in rural areas too,” Peters said.

As temperatures remain low and road conditions change, those who must travel are urged to take precautions.