Dump Truck Helps End Police Chase

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Dump Truck Helps End Police ChaseDump Truck Helps End Police Chase

Dump Truck Helps End Police Chase

So many times, in high-speed police chases on highways, regular citizens at best move out of the way to let police through and at worst act like obstacles. We see the latter over and over again as people fail to pull to the right and let law enforcement safely pursue a fleeing suspect.

Watch a street takeover clown get pantsed by a Mustang.

But in this chase out of Rockdale County, Georgia we see a citizen go above and beyond to help end the chase. While that doesn’t always work out so great, the fact this guy was driving a big ol’ dump truck helped immensely.

Police were in hot pursuit of a suspect who was driving erratically in a Nissan Maxima. We see the camera car or lead cop follow the suspect from surface streets onto the highway as speeds climb, adding to the precarious nature of the chase.

As the officer gets within a few feet of the Nissan, he radios that he’s preparing to do a PIT maneuver. Almost as if sensing what’s coming, the suspect blasts ahead suddenly. With a van in the left lane and a dump truck in the right, instead of going between he decides to go onto the right shoulder.

And that’s where the suspect makes a huge mistake.

Just as the Maxima is about to disappear up the shoulder, the dump truck driver swerves to the right, causing the suspect to panic and also swerve. After all, having a 36 ton vehicle coming at you on the highway is enough to make your life flash before your eyes.

The only thing is when you’re speeding up the shoulder, the room for error at that point is essentially zero. After all, the shoulder is the room for error if you’re in the right lane.

By the time the camera car gets around the dump truck on the other side, we see the Nissan’s passenger-side tires are already in the soft grass beyond the pavement. The difference in surfaces is enough to spin the Maxima around like a record player baby, sending the sedan over to the median wall for some smashing good time.

Now someone, deputize that dump truck driver for a job well done.

Image via The Georgia page/YouTube