Pullman Police Chief Jake Opgenorth is facing allegations of domestic violence and assault, according to court documents.
Court records also say Opgenorth was also ordered to surrender all his guns.
Most of the court documents are sealed. KIRO 7 News does not name potential victims of sexual assault.
A protection order accusing Opgenorth of domestic violence and sexual assault says Opgenorth was in a relationship with a woman when they broke up.
The order says Opgenorth showed aggressive interactions with the woman, including harassment, after they broke up.
“Knowing his anger and alcohol use, which heightens his anger,” the motion read. The woman says she is fearful of what Opgenorth may do now that he’s “on administration leave and under investigation.”
KIRO 7 reached out to the Pullman police department on Saturday to try and confirm that the chief has been placed on leave- but so far no one from the department has returned our calls – or emails.
According to a receipt, Opgenorth surrendered 12 guns and a box of 14 knives to Undersheriff Chris Chapman on Dec. 20.
That was the same day order of protection was granted.