Girdle-wearing thieves stole from SoCal outlet mall, officials say

Two people were arrested on suspicion of stealing from Camarillo stores and hiding the stolen goods in their girdles, authorities said.

Jose Mujica and Anyela Corredor-Casallas were arrested earlier this month after detectives with the Ventura County Organized Retail Theft Task Force said they caught the pair exiting an Under Armour store at the Camarillo Premium Outlets with about $4,500 worth of stolen goods, according to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office.

The pair wore girdles as part of their ploy, authorities said, and had stuffed them with merchandise — including 17 pairs of jeans.

They were arrested and released on $100,000 bail each. They were charged with conspiracy to commit organized retail theft, burglary and grand theft.

The anti-retail theft task force in Ventura is funded by cash from the California Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program and is aimed at combating the estimated $10-million yearly loss from organized retail theft in the county.